August Apples
September Apples
October Apples
The largest harvest of apples is in October, as if to symbolize people's hearty autumn appetites.
Jonagold Developed at the New York Experiment Station Golden Delicious X Jonathan cross
Size: about 300g |
Harvest: from mid October |
Particularly popular in the Kansai area of Japan, because of their delicious acidic taste. |
Mutsu Developed at the Aomori Apple Research Station Golden Delicious X Indo cross
Size: 400-600g |
Harvest: from late October |
Available grown either bagged or unbagged. Bagged apples are of choice quality and sold for use as gifts. The two types
both look and taste very differently. | |
Sekaiichi Developed at the Aomori Apple Research Station Delicious X Golden Delicious cross
Size: 400-600g |
Harvest: from mid October |
A choice quality apple sold predominantly for gift use, although prices have come down from previous levels after the
burst of the Japanese bubble economy. Going on aesthetics, it goes down as the king of the apple world. |
Delicious Originated in America
Harvest: from mid October |
Available as a number of subvarieties, including the Starking Delicious, Red Delicious and Richard Delicious. Imported
into Japan since the ban on apple imports was lifted in 1995, it is quite well known domestically as a result. However,
Delicious apples had already lost favor as a domestic variety by this stage, and the imported apples have not been well received
by consumers. (The subvariety shown in the photograph is the Starking Delicious.) |
Jonathan (Kougyoku) Originated in New York State, America C\oXEXs`Fo[O??? X other undetermined
Harvest: from mid October |
A variety produced in Japan since the early Meiji period. Until 1965, it was second only to the Ralls Janet in production. Currently
it is an unknown best seller, and has retained its popularity predominantly because of its suitability for use in jams, juices
and pies. |
Hokuto Developed at the Aomori Apple Research Station Fuji X Mutsu cross
Harvest: from late October |
Probably the tastiest of all apples. However, it is difficult to grow, is prone to core rot (unharmful to humans),
does not have good coloring, and the color fades easily. It is thus not seen commonly on the general market. Its production
is limited to a handful of producers, and even then, the number of producers is dwindling. |
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November Apples
These represent the last of the apple harvest. They also represent the beginning of the harvest of the Fuji, the major
apple variety, and hence the busiest time of year for apple producers.
Fuji Developed at the Tohoku Agricultural Experiment Station in Morioka Ralls Janet X Delicious
Harvest: from early November |
People don't need to be told that this is the top variety in the apple industry. Its taste is loved by all, and despite
being a domestic variety, it is produced throughout the world. Its name comes from its native Fujisaki, or was it Mt. Fuji,
or even Fujiko Yamamoto (a former Japanese Miss Universe)? |
Orin Developed by Mr. Tadanosuke Otsuki of Kuori, Date-Gun, Fukushima prefecture Golden Delicious
X Indian cross
Harvest: from early November |
The best known yellow apple (although it can sometimes be green). Its delicate sweetness is popular with both young
and old, men and women, but there are some people who mistakenly believe the Orin to be acidic. Orin apples are sweet!!
Kinsei Developed by Mr. Hajime Sato of Hirosaki, Aomori prefecture Golden Delicious X Ralls Janet
Harvest: from early November |
It is usually bright yellow, as shown in the photograph. However, if grown bagged, Kinsei apples develop pale white skins.
Not commonly available. |
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